3 productos
Guardar $65.96
PureFiber® ULTRAVISIÓN®| HDMI 2.1 48Gb/s | 4K120Hz | 8K60Hz | Paquete de cables HDRPureFiber® ULTRAVISIÓN®| HDMI 2.1 48Gb/s | 4K120Hz | 8K60Hz | Paquete de cables HDR
Guardar $170.00
pre-terminated hybrid fiber optic cable with hdmi usb speakers aux smar home controls compatible wit wall plates for in wall home wiring installationPureFiber® PRO - HDMI e Internet | Paquete de cable de fibra híbrido preterminado con HDMI 2.1 8k con Internet a través de fibra
Guardar $100.00
Fiber Optic Ethernet solution Kit for residential or commercialKIT ETHERNET DE HABITACIÓN PureFiber® | Conecta Internet a las habitaciones con FULL FIBER SPEED


Deals discounted sales are final and products offered for sale non returnable non refundable. Blackfriday or holiday deals sales are final. Please check the cable length carefully before purchasing. We will not exchange your cable if is too long or short for a different size , sales are final.